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I have dabbled in some Visual Basic programming, primarily for interface prototyping. These Windows application projects are the results.


abiTimeClock v.5.3   < updated 2010 Jan 25

296 KB (303,873 bytes) Download

This basic time clock application saves Begin and End time stamps (from the system clock) for blocks of time associated with a project. The time stamps are saved in text files which can be edited and modified, so this is not a suitable time clock for payroll or other time cards that require security. The number of minutes and the hours and minutes for the time block are recorded in a Project Time Card (text file named for the project) and a Consolidated Time Card (specified by the user). The running total for a project is recorded in both time cards as well. Several new features for version 5.1 include the option to insert a Note with a Start Time or End Time, command-line option to start the program with a project starting at the same time, and the option to set the Date Format to the system Long Date or Short Date.

Mother May I? v.2.8

651 KB (667,393 bytes) Download

Mother May I? It's like the electronic game Simon® by Milton Bradley, but with a more options and two ways to play. It runs under Windows. If you have a sound card, it will make sounds as you play. I've not tested it extensively and I can't promise it will work : in other words, install at your own risk. Be sure to read the instructions from the Help menu : How To Play

How To Separate Tracks from an MP3 File of a whole CD using MP3DirectCut (freeware)

5 KB (4,676 bytes) Right-click and Save linked text file

Quick Guide (text file)

Coming sometime...


AlphaCheck v.1.1

Spelling Bee Trainer v.1.18

